With 142 tons of cargo tonnage, C-5 Galaxy is the largest transport aircraft of the US Air Force, can transport tanks, boats, and even attack aircraft.
With more than 91 m in length and 36 m long cargo hold, over 5 m wide, C-5 Galaxy aircraft by Lockheed Martin built the largest transport aircraft in the US Air Force personnel, capable of carrying a single you ready to fight or supplies essential to anywhere in the world.
Transport plane C-5 can carry 142 tons of cargo, the equivalent weight of two M1A1 Abrams tanks. Photo: USAF.
Standing in front of C-5 Galaxy, people become very small. In the picture, people lined up to Group C-5A Galaxy to the first 445 Airborne Africa 2005. Photo: USAF.
Even the well-sized helicopter in the very small compared with the C5. In the picture, the Bell AH-1 helicopter Sea and a Bell UH CORBA-1N Twin Huey of the Marines was parked on the runway, behind the C-5A Galaxy is the US Air Force after unloading in Operation translation date 01/23/1991 Desert shield. Photo: US Army.
To transport and cargo handling, the front and rear door C-5 are open. Photo: Wikimedia.
Aircraft C-5 is equipped with four powerful engines, each with a capacity equivalent to 800 cars. Chinook helicopters easily be inserted into the cavity C-5. Photo: USAF.
Even the transport planes can also "swallowed" A-10 ground attack into its cargo bay to transport to any location on your combat global scope. Photo: USAF.
The fighters also easily be transported by C-5 Galaxy. In the picture, the fighter F / A-18 Super Hornet are being taken on board the C-5 at Kandahar airbase, Afghanistan, on 18/08/2011. Brother:
A main battle tank M1 Abrams heavy weighing more than 70 tons of belly crawling out of the C-5 aircraft. Photo: USAF.
A logistics unit to coordinate with the US Marine Corps move armored vehicles on board the C-5 Galaxy.
C-5 aircraft are involved in the transport ships for the navy. In the photo, the C-5 is unloaded a patrol boat 24 meters longer than the front door at Naval Base Coronado, California. Photo: USAF.
Even refueling aircraft C-130 full-size easy to be transported in a C-5. In the photo, a refueling aircraft C-130 Hercules coach for the first time the C-5 Galaxy transport to the grounds Air Force National Guard Stratton, New York. Photo: USAF.
In emergency situations need to resupply large-scale air, aircraft C-5 is a preferred option. In the photo, a C-5 at No 433 of the Airborne Force Reserve Command US Air Force ready to deploy to the location to perform the tasks supporting military operations in Iraq. Photo: USAF.
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