Commander of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral Harry Harris - Photo: AFP
Reuters news agency quoted Admiral Harry Harris: "The United States does not allow the general territory was unilateral" control "despite how many bases were built on artificial islands in the East Sea. Where possible, the US will cooperation, but also willing to confront if the situation required ".
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Mr. Harris added, "America's first war after independence is to ensure freedom of navigation. These are long-term goals and is one of the reasons why we are ready to fight".
This statement of Admiral Harris is expected to make the situation between the US and China, stressed after the president-elect Donald Trump telephone with leaders of Taiwan and to reconsider the policy of "One China".
US repeatedly called on China to respect the verdict of the International Court of Arbitration (PCA) rejects the so-called nine-dash line of China East Sea acquirer. However, China still refuses to listen. Estimated US within three years, China has built more 1300 hectar artificial islands in the South China Sea, building runways, hangars, ports ...
In response, the US has carried out many patrols under the motto of freedom of navigation in the region, most recently in May 10-2016.
Reuters said the patrols have made Beijing angry and 7-2016 month, a senior official of the China threat patrols could end in "disaster". Thank you for leaving valuable comments
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