
Vietnam time


Jun 25, 2017

What does 20 year old Hong Kong think of China?

"If you ask me 100 times, I still answer that," Reuters quoted Chau Hoi, one of Hong Kong's young people who did not want to be Chinese.
​Lứa 20 tuổi Hong Kong nghĩ gì về Trung Quốc?
Kalok Leung, born four months after Hong Kong was handed over to China in 1997 - Photo: Reuters

Around the 20 years since the British left Hong Kong to mainland China in 1997, a child born at that time is now grown up and has thoughts about his identity.

Hong Kong's Age 20

Reuters reported on June 25 that they interviewed 10 young Hong Kong peers in 1997, and that they were less interested in China. The situation reflects exactly what had caused this special economic wave in 2014: young people in Hong Kong want all of them to know that they are Hong Kong, not China.

Chau Ho-oi, one of the people born at the time of Hong Kong's delivery to China, said that his feelings at a young age and now are far apart.

In 2008, when Chau was 11 years old, she watched the Beijing Olympics on television and admired the accomplishments of Chinese athletes (then won 48 gold medals, ranking first overall).

"I thought that China was great. If that time you ask me are Chinese people, I would say yes, "Chau answered Reuters.
​Lứa 20 tuổi Hong Kong nghĩ gì về Trung Quốc?
JoJo Wong, born 6 months before the 1997 transfer - Photo: Reuters

Nhưng cũng như nhiều người trẻ khác tại Hong Kong có suy nghĩ về vấn đề tự chủ, dân chủ, Chau cảm thấy mình không giữ được sự ngưỡng mộ đó. Cô nói tiếp: “Hiện giờ... tôi không muốn nói tôi là người Trung Quốc. Nó tạo cho tôi cảm giác rất tiêu cực. Thậm chí bạn có hỏi 100 lần thì tôi vẫn sẽ nói như thế thôi”.
Không ai xa lạ, chính cô gái trẻ này cũng từng bị bắt trong cuộc biểu tình đòi thúc đẩy dân chủ của thủ lĩnh sinh viên Hoàng Chi Phong năm 2014. Sự kiện ấy đã có phần rơi vào quên lãng sau 3 năm, nhưng nó ít nhiều đã tạo ra hoặc ảnh hưởng tới một khuynh hướng, tư tưởng trong giới trẻ Hong Kong.
Khảo sát của Đại học Hong Kong đưa ra tuần trước cho thấy trong 120 người trẻ được hỏi, chỉ 3,1% ở độ tuổi 18 - 29 cho rằng họ nhận diện bản thân là một người Trung Quốc. Trước đó, con số này giữ ổn định ở mức 31% trong các cuộc khảo sát đều đặn nửa năm một lần, bắt đầu từ cách đây 20 năm, theo Reuters.
Trong cuộc phỏng vấn 10 người trẻ Hong Kong sinh năm 1997, bao gồm Chau và một người chuyển đến từ Trung Quốc sang, tất cả đều nói với hãng tin Reuters rằng mình tự nhận diện bản thân như một người Hong Kong (Hongkonger), và nguyện gắn chặt với đặc khu kinh tế này.
Tư duy về bản sắc
Từ khi tiếp quản Hong Kong năm 1997, Trung Quốc áp dụng hình thức “một quốc gia, hai chế độ”, bảo đảm sự tự trị dưới quyền đặc khu trưởng, có bầu cử riêng và tự do ngôn luận trong vòng 50 năm (tới 2047). Tuy nhiên giới trẻ, như lứa 20 tuổi tại Hong Kong, lại cảm thấy chưa thực sự được tự do.
​Lứa 20 tuổi Hong Kong nghĩ gì về Trung Quốc?
Joshua Wong, student leader at the Hong Kong rally in 2014 - Photo: Reuters
In 2012, the then 15-year-old student, led by thousands of Hong Kong protesters protested an education program that encouraged students to love China, and then closed the program. .
Two years later, Hoang Chi Phong, leader of the 79-day "Take Over Trung Hoan" movement, made a strong mark on the international scene.
At this time, young Hong Kong teens increasingly promote self-determination, or even independence, of what China is concerned about.
In May, Hong Kong's senior figure, China's third highest-ranking official, stressed the need to "promote national and legal education for Hong Kong youth, and orientation for the development of this lap when young "to have" patriotism. "
New district chief Carrie Lam, who replaced Mr Luong Chan Anh, told Xinhua that she would seek to introduce the concept of "I am Chinese" from Kindergarten level in Hong Kong, according to Reuters.
But the methods do not seem to show the effect. As Jojo Wong, a 20-year-old, said, "How can the government not understand that the more the Hong Kong people are in love with China, the more people will just stay away from it?"
Even for those who do not care about politics like Felix Wu, they insist that the economy should integrate, and that China must fulfill its commitment to maintain the status quo in Hong Kong for 50 years. As for Ludovic Chan, he claims to be Hong Kong, though he thinks that being where he is is not at all contradictory to China.
The thoughts of the young Hong Kong people, as they say, could pose a challenge to Chinese President Xi Jinping as he prepares for his first trip to Hong Kong on the 20th anniversary of the takeover of the Hong Kong area. brother.
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Jun 21, 2017

Warmbier's death made tourists hesitate with the North

Korea is a fascinating destination for adventurous people, but the deaths of American students can make many travelers change their minds.
Megan Lacina photographed in Pyongyang in April. Photo: Facebook

Megan Lacina, 28, of Los Angeles, USA, arrived in Korea for a marathon in April. However, she said that if she did, she would probably not make that decision.

The death of American male student Otto Warmbier has left Lacina and many tourists thinking about arriving in one of the world's most mysterious countries, according to the BBC.

Warmbier died on June 19, after nearly a week of North Korean release. The 22-year-old student was sentenced to 15 years in prison by Pyongyang for stole a propaganda sign from a hotel in Pyongyang.

Lacina said the Koreans were "timid and discreet but not unfriendly". Although many advised not to go, she decided to go to Korea for "want a one-dimensional view of the human country" here.

But I'm glad that I was there, but at this moment, after Otto Warmbie's death, if I leave next week, I can not imagine how my trip will be. "

She showed sympathy when she learned that Warmbier had been arrested for stealing a banner at the hotel. "I understand the comfort of staying in a hotel. It makes you forget where you are," she said.

Travel companies have not long praised and described North Korea as "a land of seclusion and wonder" or "one of the pristine destinations left in the world" or "a surreal experience." Memorable". Besides, understanding the concerns of tourists, these companies insist that Korea is a safe place.

However, after Warmbier's death, most travel agents expressed their reluctance to respond to the press because of concerns that any information they may disclose could have an impact on the business.

Young Pioneer Tours (YPT), which was established in 2008 in China, regularly organizes trips not for the faint of heart. In addition to the tour to North Korea, the company also offers visitors an area affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion.

In an interview with NHK News, YPT representatives believed that North Korea remains a safe destination if tourists are well prepared. At the same time, the company points out that during its ten years of operation, Warmbier was the first and only visitor case to have been detained in Korea.
However, the YPT announced on June 20 to suspend the deployment of Americans to North Korea due to high risk aversion, according to the SCMP. Some travel agencies then issue the same notice.

The State Department warns citizens not to travel to Korea and is considering issuing a ban. "We are evaluating the situation to see whether to restrict travel to those traveling to Korea," Foreign Minister Rex Tillerson said.

"Koreans seduce Americans to their countries through China-based tours, they advertise online that no American has ever been arrested for traveling to and that it is a safe destination." Warmbier's father claimed, believing he had been tricked into the North, according to CNN.

The tourism sector is a significant source of revenue for Korea. Each year, there are an estimated 100,000 foreign visitors to Korea, most of them Chinese, while visitors from other countries range from 8,000 to 10,000.

With the growing tension in relations between the United States and North Korea, Americans are more likely to be targeted by Pyongyang. Currently, a businessman and two American university lecturers are still detained in the North.

"As tensions between the United States and Korea increase, we see the number of tourists dropping." After the United States stiffened its stance, claiming it could attack the military, people naturally hesitated to book tours. North Korea, "said Andre Wittig, a travel agent based in Berlin, Germany, Pyongyang Travel. Thank you for leaving valuable comments

Jun 15, 2017

The 27-story building in London burns down, killing at least six people

After more than 5 hours of intense fire, at about 6 o'clock on June 14 (England time) the fire at Grenfell Tower was extinguished. At least 6 people were killed and 50 injured.
Tòa nhà 27 tầng ở London cháy rụi, ít nhất 6 người thiệt mạng
Building image is on fire - Photo: BBC

The fire occurred around 1h6 (7g6 on 14-6h), at a building called Grenfell Tower in Lancaster West Estate, London.

The BBC news agency quoted witnesses as saying the fire had spread to 24 floors. The work of evacuating people is being carried out by the police.

The BBC's correspondent at the scene commented that the building might collapse. Many social images show that the building burns like a torch.

The SBS homepage cited initial news from police as saying two people were being resuscitated.

George Clarke, the host of Amazing Space, responded to Channel 5: "I stood about 100 meters away from the 100 meter building, which was still covered with ashes. Can not find the way out ".

Goran Karimi, who was at the scene, told CNN News: "The whole building caught on fire and the fire spread very quickly."

Karimi also said he saw many people jump out of the building.

Video clip of a 27-storey building in London - Source: Youtube

London firefighters had to resort to a variety of resources and sophisticated firefighting equipment to the scene, including the Emergency Response Team.

At 5 am, firefighters evacuated people living around the burning building as more debris from the building began to fall.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, wrote on the twitter page that the fire was a 'big deal'.

Tòa nhà 27 tầng ở London cháy rụi, ít nhất 6 người thiệt mạng
Fire seen from afar, at 5h June 14 in London - Photo: Telegraph

Some witnesses told the Telegraph that many residents of the building used bed sheets to escape from the windows.

There are no official casualties figures yet. A source from the police said 15 people were being resuscitated by smoke.

To more than 6 hours An (more than 12 hours Vietnam), with the efforts of 200 firefighters and many advanced fire fighting equipment, the fire was basically controlled. The smoke from the building is still rising.

Up until this point, a total of 30 people were rescued in five different hospitals. However, the severity has not yet been announced.
Tòa nhà 27 tầng ở London cháy rụi, ít nhất 6 người thiệt mạng
Firefighters conduct first aid at the scene - Photo: EPA
Tòa nhà 27 tầng ở London cháy rụi, ít nhất 6 người thiệt mạng
Firefighters wait in the shade, to cheer up teammates - Photo: AP

Smoke from the building after the fire is extinguished - Photo: BBC

CNN reported that the building was built in the 1970s and was restored for $ 10.9 million.

According to British real estate companies, the cost of renting an apartment here is the lowest at about $ 2,500 / unit / month. Thank you for leaving valuable comments

Jun 10, 2017

US special agents support the Philippine army to repress the rebels

US special forces are assisting the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to stop Islamist militants from encircling southern Marawi.
​Đặc nhiệm Mỹ hỗ trợ quân đội Philippines trấn áp phiến quân
Members of the task force of the Philippine National Police in Marawi - Photo: Reuters

According to an exclusive news release by Reuters, a spokesman at the US embassy in Manila said the news.

So far there has been no confirmation of US military involvement in supporting the fight against Islamic militant groups in the Marawi city of the Philippines.

The siege of the city by the Maute rebel group has lasted for three weeks since the outbreak.

The US task force's engagement in the southern Philippines took place after months of strained relations between the two allies arose out of criticisms of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to Washington, even to Duterte's claims. Requesting the withdrawal of US troops from this territory.

A spokesman for the US Embassy in Manila said: "At the request of the Philippine government, US task forces are assisting Filipino forces in campaigns in Marawi to help commanders. Of this force in the field in the fight against Maute rebels and Abuy Sayyaf rebels. "

According to the spokesperson, "For security reasons, we can not discuss specific technical details regarding the US support in ongoing Philippine military campaigns."

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Jun 6, 2017

Harvard masters 'hot girl' cataclysm

The Chinese twins are floating around in the cyber community by virtue of integrity and two new masters from Harvard University.
Cặp ‘hot girl’ thạc sĩ Harvard gây bão mạng
Sun Won and Sun Won Mong graduation day - Photo: Instagram

Two sisters, Lara and Sara, from Nanjing, are a "phenomenon" in the online community in China.

The twins are well known for their talent, intelligence and beauty. This distinguishes them from the "internet stars" that surfaced by scandals, body blowing or the like.

In May, Vu Dong and Vu Mong received two master's degrees in education from the prestigious Harvard University. The day they left school, the Chinese community was overwhelmed with congratulations,

More than 170,000 internet users watched the 26-minute video, which shot two sisters wearing the graduation gown to share their joys with friends.

Cặp ‘hot girl’ thạc sĩ Harvard gây bão mạng
Vu Mong and Vu Dong at a young age - photo: Weibo.

According to the People's Daily, two girls who attracted public attention when they graduated from Shanghai University in May -2016. In high school, the Vu Dong - Vu Mong couple is a member of the school's fitness team and has won a national award.

Due to their performance, beauty and training, the cousin of Vu has been enjoyed by many netizens. On China's Weibo social network, Vu Dong has 291,000 fans, while Vu Mong has over 371,000 followers.

The Chinese community on Twitter also paid much attention to the twins. "Not to mention beauty, the girls' academic achievement is all about," wrote one netizen. Another complimented with a bit of humor: "A dangerous combination of mind and beauty. Wish them good luck! "

By 2015, China has about 800,000 students studying abroad, nearly half of which choose the United States as their destination, according to UNESCO. The number of foreign students at Harvard is about 20%.

Some pictures of two sisters Vu Dong - Vu Mong on Weibo and Instagram:
Cặp ‘hot girl’ thạc sĩ Harvard gây bão mạng
Confidence graduation day
Cặp ‘hot girl’ thạc sĩ Harvard gây bão mạng
Very young like his age
Cặp ‘hot girl’ thạc sĩ Harvard gây bão mạng
Who is more beautiful?
Cặp ‘hot girl’ thạc sĩ Harvard gây bão mạng

Cặp ‘hot girl’ thạc sĩ Harvard gây bão mạng

Cặp ‘hot girl’ thạc sĩ Harvard gây bão mạng

Cặp ‘hot girl’ thạc sĩ Harvard gây bão mạng

Cặp ‘hot girl’ thạc sĩ Harvard gây bão mạng

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US asks China to drop 3 people 'missing'

One man was arrested and two others were out of touch while investigating working conditions at a shoe factory under the Ivanka Trump brand in China.
Mỹ yêu cầu Trung Quốc thả 3 người bị ‘mất tích’ 
Ivanka Trump - daughter of President Donald Trump - Photo: AFP

The State Department has called on the Beijing government to release three activists from the China Labor Watch (CLW), the state-run Guardian said on Friday.

The three men are thought to be "missing" while investigating a daughter of Ivanka Trump, the daughter of US President Donald Trump.

Li Qiang, director of CLW, confirmed he had lost contact with Hua Haifeng and two others, Li Zhao and Su Heng. On May 30, after dozens of unsuccessful calls, he concluded, "They may have been detained by the factory or police."

Ms. Deng Guilian, Hua Haifeng's wife, said she received a call from police at noon on May 30, announcing that her husband had been charged with "illegal tracking."

The caller just said she did not need any further information (about the arrest), and she would not be able to meet, talk or receive money from her husband.

CLW is a non-profit organization based in New York (USA). The group plans to publish a report on low pay, overtime and labor abuse at factories in China.

CLW is well known for its previously published reports on child labor in the supply chain for Samsung Group and a series of factory chain investigations for Apple.

Last year, Walt Disney Co. The US had to stop cooperating with a toy maker in Shenzhen after CLW exposed their labor offenses.

However, the target of this investigation of CLW was considered quite "sensitive" brand owned by Ivanka Trump, daughter of the President of the United States.

White House spokeswoman Hope Hicks declined to comment on the arrests in China, while company manager Ivanka Trump did not respond to media inquiries.

According to CLW director Li Qiang, this is the first time in 17 years that CLW has been closely monitored by the authorities. "This has started to take a political course," Li said.

However, the Associated Press commented that Beijing's toughness for organizations such as the CLW could stem from growing labor unrest and slow economic growth. Thank you for leaving valuable comments

Jun 1, 2017

Prime Minister of Vietnam talks with US President at White House

From 2 am to 1 am, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc arrived at the White House and held talks with US President Donald Trump for nearly an hour.
Thủ tướng Việt Nam hội đàm với Tổng thống Mỹ tại Nhà Trắng
Two leaders shook hands before entering the negotiation 31-5 pm - Photo: Reuters

President Donald Trump met Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the door of the White House campus when the Prime Minister's delegation arrived.

Many correspondents of international news agencies are also present, preparing to work. Correspondents must perform security screening procedures, and focus on the back door of the White House to wait for the two leaders to speak to the press.

After nearly one hour of talks, President Donald Trump was intimately bringing Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to the door to say goodbye.

After this meeting, the two sides will issue a Joint Declaration.

The images were recorded by Reuters at the time of pickup and delivery.
Thủ tướng Việt Nam hội đàm với Tổng thống Mỹ tại Nhà Trắng
President Donald Trump arrives at the reception, shakes hands with Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the White House Thursday night, May 5 - Photo: Reuters

Thủ tướng Việt Nam hội đàm với Tổng thống Mỹ tại Nhà Trắng
Two secretive leaders break up at the door of the White House building after talks Thursday afternoon - Photo: Reuters Thank you for leaving valuable comments
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