From academic year 2018, Taiwan will take on teaching Vietnamese in the schools in the territory, as a second language to students selected.
This information is Ms. Au You Hi - education secretary of education, under the Office of Economic and Cultural Taipei HCMC - for Tuoi Tre reporter said on the morning of 11-1.
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Ms Au You Hi, bringing Vietnamese to teach students starting in grade 3 of elementary school.
"Currently, textbooks for teaching Vietnamese students in Taiwan have basically completed. Books by the research center of Vietnam, Vietnam science study at universities in Taiwan compiled. We are also promoting cooperation and exchange of research between the pedagogical Taiwan and Vietnam to prepare teachers for teaching Vietnamese "- she said Hi European Quarter.
According to Ms. Au You Hi, teaching Vietnamese students in Taiwan to help the children of Vietnamese brides to know more about the country, the culture of their parents, while a growing number of brides Vietnam in Taiwan Loan.
"Bride of the Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam, Taiwan married is increasing. When the child of the couple was born, education must change to fit the system multicultural, multilingual in Taiwan. With the introduction of Vietnamese into teaching, we hope students - children of Vietnamese brides can better integrate with Taiwan educational environment and an equal basis with other children "- she Hi for European Quarter know.
In addition, Ms. Au You also additional information Hi, in Kaohsiung City and New Taipei City are the home to many Vietnamese brides in Taiwan. Therefore, educational establishments of this city are two training programs, improving the qualifications of Vietnamese brides so they can make Vietnamese teachers in the schools.
"Teachers can teach more Vietnamese neighborhood schools. So if a school has only one student chose to study Vietnamese, the organization will also teach "- she said Hi Au quarter.
Hi Ms Au quarter, the ratio of Vietnamese brides married to Taiwan increased significantly in recent years, and the heads of the children of these couples have dual citizenship with 40.7% (more than 80,000 late).
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