The doctors were very surprised to discover a colony of baby Shreya ears Darji (12 years old) in the city of Deesa, Banskantha state, eastern India.
Leading specialist in otolaryngology in India said this phenomenon has never happened in the history of medicine.

As known, in May 8/2015, Shreya Darji told my parents that I'm very uncomfortable ear. Her father, Sanjay took the daughter to an ENT doctor to check and detect up to 10 ants are wiggled in my ear.
2 weeks later, Shreya feel itchy. Upon arriving at the hospital, they were picked up by a dozen add more.
Some time later, Shreya still itching ears and be taken back to see the doctor. However, the results remain the same as last time and is still crawling from her ear.

Finally, his parents had to take me to Shreya met ENT physicians to treat top.
Shreya current camera being monitored carefully to find the cause.
Sanjay said the family had tried to do all kinds of ways, but to the world's top experts did not find the answer
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