
Vietnam time


Jan 11, 2016

El Chapo drug lord arrested like celebrities?

Mexican drug lord El Chapo taking somewhat extravagant accepted an interview with American newspaper, from which confidential information about him has been revealed

Tờ Rolling Stone trưng ảnh nam diễn viên Sean Penn (trái) bắt tay với trùm ma túy El Chapo trong lần gặp đầu tháng 10-2015 - Ảnh chụp lại màn hình
Rolling Stone logo actor Sean Penn photo (left) shakes hands with El Chapo drug lords in early May meeting 10-2015 - Snapshot screen

Indeed, shortly after the drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was arrested, days 9-1, the US Rolling Stone magazine interview released announcement that El Chapo monopoly.

The interviews are Hollywood's famous actors Sean Penn and arrangements for meeting the Mexican actress Kate del Castillo.

According to Reuters, American actor recalled that he had a secret to a forest in Mexico in May 10-2015, ie only three months after El Chapo escape and get rid of the government, to have a say talk "face to face" long seven hours with Mexican drug lord El Chapo.

The trip lasted a total of 14 hours by plane and car, the location is a secret place in the woods. Sean Penn boasts that when met, El Chapo was greeted intimate style shoulder cape.

Rolling Stone is published photograph and El Chapo Sean Penn handshakes in the meeting dated 2-10-2015 with implied interview is real.

In a meeting between them, El Chapo respondents agree but must proceed then. Then face to face interview is not done and El Chapo only answer questions sent Sean Penn and videotaped.

Still, a Mexican government official insisted anonymity told AFP that the meeting had helped arrest bosses at dawn last 8-1.

Earlier also some reports that due to El Chapo's men seek to contact the publishers to write a book about his life to the security boss was the clue.

In the video reply in Spanish by Rolling Stone just gave up more than 2 minutes to "the customer" El Chapo boss tried to justify his own business: "Drugs devastate, that's reality show muzzle. But as I have repeatedly said, suffering instead, where I was born and grew up, there was no other way to live (in addition to drug cultivation and processing). By the time that remains. "

El Chapo also answered questions about personal responsibility of him in high addiction situation in the world today. Sinaloa band mogul said that accusation was "erroneous because until I was no longer on this earth anymore, then that condition will not decrease".

Property tycoon billions boasted: "I have the team to move drug submarines, planes, trucks and ships. I supply heroin, cocaine, cannabis and synthetic drugs most world ".

There is a lot of money to El Chapo has bribed many people to help him escape from prison Altiplano is considered Mexico's security.

This boss is sitting behind bars of prison Altiplano. The US government is now urging his extradition to the US to make sure he pays for his crimes.

Reuters citing sources from the Mexican Prosecutor General's Office said it was working hard to clear the way for the extradition to the middle of this year. However, this being a legal advisory group of tycoons tried to thwart.

The United States extradition request late May 6-2015 El Chapo, just weeks before he got out of prison strict security through a tunnel dug by juniors to take his cell.

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