Two civil aircraft parked on the tarmac because China built illegally in stone Cross Spratly archipelago of Vietnam. Xinhua news agency of China published the photographs taken from airplanes at 6-1-2016
Ambassador Hoang Anh Tuan, in an article entitled "Maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea," published in the Jakarta Post on 14-1, Mr. Xu Bu gave many sophistic arguments prove Beijing always determination to resolve the dispute through negotiation and consultation, always wanted shelving disputes for joint development.
Mr. Xu Bu said that the renovation activities and accretion of China on the rocks and reefs will not influence nor aimed at any other country; does not affect the freedom of navigation and aviation in the South China Sea; will not harm the marine ecosystem; and increasingly can not call that militarized actions.
The article also said that China has always respected and maintaining the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, seriously implement international law.
Ambassador Hoang Anh Tuan emphasized his article Xu Bu nature quibble with distorted arguments to assert sovereignty "indisputable" is China's South China Sea, as well as a series of steps China in the South China Sea is now "contribution" to peace and stability in the region.
In an article in The Jakarta Post dated 25-1, Ambassador Hoang Anh Tuan raised the recent actions of China in the Spratlys as the development, fostering the rocky islands and especially the Flight Test civilian aircraft.
"After completion of the construction of artificial islands on the reef and rock - where China occupied illegally, the date 1-1-2016, China began to conduct test flights of civil aircraft Stone Cross out of Vietnam. This action further demonstrate the intention of Beijing expansion in an area with important implications for maritime trade in Southeast Asia and the world, "said Tuan wrote.
Moreover, from 1 - 8-1-2016, China has conducted 46 flights in the FIR region of Vietnam managed. Ambassador Hoang Anh Tuan emphasized: "This not only violates Vietnam's sovereignty but also serious violations of regulations such as the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation and related Annexes to the Regulation of aviation, especially Annex 2 and Annex 11, thereby threatening the safety of international flights in the area. This shows that China seems to be turning back the international agreement. "
Ambassador Hoang Anh Tuan, clear actions are inconsistent with China's claim that the construction of this country of artificial islands in the South China Sea does not affect the freedom and safety of navigation and aviation in South China Sea and peace and stability in the South China Sea is still guaranteed.
In the article, Mr. Tuan also pointed to the development and fostering of Chinese artificial island in the Spratly goes against the spirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) (which China and ASEAN countries signed in 2002 - PV) is the emphasis on maintaining the status quo and not encourage actions that could complicate the situation.
After giving the evidence argues that the Paracels and Spratlys belong undisputed sovereignty of Vietnam, countered the arguments "against reality" of Ambassador Xu Bu, Ambassador Hoang Tuan has made three proposals to turn the words China and maintain its stability in the South China Sea a reality, including:
1. China needs to stop all construction of artificial islands in the South China Sea and the need to stop acts that change the status quo and the militarization of the South China Sea.
2. China must commit to maintaining the status quo and quickly terminate the construction of airports in stone Cross (Fiery Cross) of Vietnam because it threatens the sovereignty of Vietnam, peace and stability in the area and the freedom of navigation and aviation in the South China Sea.
3. China must fully implement the DOC, in good faith to reach an agreement with ASEAN COC and commitment to solving the conflict based on international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982.
Ambassador Tuan said that this is the first and important step to creating an environment of peace and stability to Southeast Asia, and this of course will bring long-term benefits for China.
And only when strictly implement this, the statement by China on the South China Sea will be less "warping" than with the actual developments in the East Sea. Thank you for leaving valuable comments
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