President Barack Obama waving to finish 12-1 Day speech - Reuters
Observers believe that the federal message this time is the last great opportunity of Obama to influence American public opinion and shape the race for the White House this year. About 30 million people are said to have tracked directly speeches.
According to the New York Times, he used federal message this last to draw up a hopeful outlook for the country after seven years as president with a revitalized economy and a better position in the international arena, though still inequality in the country and the threat of terrorism abroad.
"One of the few regrets of my presidency is the dislike and distrust between the parties has become worse rather than better
President Obama said the relationship between the two parties in the US
Must overcome fear
In his speech, Obama attacked Republicans serious threat of force calling itself the Islamic State (IS) and pessimistic about the US economy. Mr. Obama said "America has gone through major changes before."
"Every time, there are those who tell us that just fear the future, those who claim that we should apply the brakes before the change, the glorious promises in the past if we control the group is threatening the United States. And every time like this, we overcome the fear "- he said.
He also reserved the harshest words for IS. He said the jihadists as "crowd of gunmen behind the truck." He acknowledged the extremists IS brings a tremendous dangers, but also insisted: "We can not threaten our existence."
"The answer we need more than tough words or calls for dropping bombs. It is only effective on television, not worthy of international politics "- he pointed out.
In one passage is said to be aimed directly at candidate Donald Trump, Obama warned that "when politicians insulting Islam, that is wrong. That makes us small in the eyes of the world ".
In response, Mr. Trump said on Twitter that Obama's speech "really tedious, slow and sleepy, very difficult to track."
According to Reuters, Mr. Trump has been calling for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the US and build a wall along the border with Mexico to stop illegal immigration - the idea that the Obama administration strongly opposed mother.
Republicans criticized
According to AFP, South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, Republicans criticized the federal message that "the president's performance lags far behind what he says".
"When he entered the last year of his term, many Americans are still feeling the pinch of a weak economy to increase the level of income," - she said and pointed out further "instability occurred in many cities, "and" the threat of terrorism at the highest level since the event 11-9. "
But Mrs. Haley also criticized Mr. Trump of opinion concerning immigrants.
"In times of panic, we could be lured away by the voice of the most angry words. We must resist the lure there. No one is willing to work hard, obey all laws and traditions of our love is not welcome in this country, "- she said.
Meanwhile, the other Republicans also criticized the federal message of Obama that it shows the failure of the incumbent government and claim that they can do better than that.
Presidential candidate Republican Ted Cruz said: "The first consequence of the weakness of the foreign policy of Obama and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton". On this occasion, the presidential candidate Republican Carly Fiorina also voiced reaction to Clinton.
"We can not vote for Clinton in the White House. She was committed to the campaign that will extend and continue the policy mistakes of the Obama "- CNN quoted Ms. Fiorina said.
For her part, Clinton wrote on Facebook after Mr Obama said: "From a stronger economy to a health care program and gun control measures, we have done a lot less Obama's leadership. We need to build on these advances can not go backwards. "
Those Republicans said that the strategy of Obama's anti IS inefficient. Reuters quoted the Chairman of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan said in a speech following the federal message that "his policy is not effective. He did not have the answers on how to beat IS ".
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